We want to make you a
10x digital hw engineer

With a focus on signal integrity and advanced digital design since 2004 we are constantly trying to make hardware design engineers better - at their job, for their company, and for the local economy. Let's face competition with skills.
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The back story

Back in 1999, while working for 3Com, Rolf Ostergaard faced a tough problem getting a fairly advanced cable modem product to pass EMI testing on a 4-layer board. This turned into a hunt for both a solution to the problem at hand and a deeper understanding.
Luckily enough, Lee Ritchey happened to be working in the same building. That turned into a fascination for signal integrity and a drive to help fellow engineers understand this.
Fast forward to 2004, this topic became the cornerstone training course for what later became EE-Training.
After an exit from a consulting company founded to do advanced electronics and embedded software design projects, EE-Training became a focused effort. A partnership as a certified instructor for Doulos cemented the position as a respected trainer in signal integrity worldwide.
As the organizer of Nordic SI Week, Rolf has demonstrated that pulling in 60+ participants for a topic this unique and truly niche is doable – even with a full-week program.

Explore our professional courses now!

Don't loose the opportunity to become better and more efficient in your daily design work.
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